Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Visit with our friends from Texas.

Ashlynn, Alexa, and Aleia sporting their new jammies.
The girls calling for the horses Zip and Nanny at the Bichsel's.
The girls, except for Alexa, each took a turn driving around in the golf cart.
Having a ball at Tuscora Park.
The girls just couldn't stay awake any longer. We wore them out before they wore us out. That is something new. This past weekend we had some of our friends from Texas in town to visit. We were in China with them for our first adoption. We have been the best of friends every since. We had such a great time together visiting and watching the girls hang out. Aleia and Ashlynn will always have a special bond having been from the same orphanage in Gao'An China. They are also only thirteen days apart. The Tapley's are patiently awaiting their referral for their second China doll. While they were here, we kept very busy. We went to the Bichsel's to ride the horses, went to the Cleveland Zoo and Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, and spent tons of time at Tuscora Park. It is just amazing to see these little girls interact with one another. As I have said so many times before, we are just soooo blessed. Lisa

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