Sunday, April 01, 2007

Day 2 in Guangzhou

Hello. We didn't really have much busy work today, so we ventured out and did some shopping. We bought some gifts for home and some things for ourselves. It is so much quieter here than in any city we have been to thus far. It is so much more relaxed. Bob always describes this city as a mini Charleston, SC. Some really old well-kept buildings and many people just hanging out and enjoying life.

Before I forget, any of you that are following our blog can now make comments. For some reason everyone wasn't able to before, but we changed some settings so you will be all set. It will come up anonymous when we see it, so please put your name in the comment somewhere. We have enjoyed seeing and hearing from you all who are following this amazing journey. Sure wish you were here to share it was us. It has been so special sharing this journey with our very close friends from home. Those of you who have been here (Browning's, Engstrom's, Ross's, George's, Ellison's), you all understand this a little bit better than some others.

We are heading to a group dinner at a Thai restaurant here on the island, so I have to go for now. Will try to post more this evening. Love, Lisa


Auntie Elaine said...

Hey, trying again....

Love the curls and bows in her hair!

Also love the nike top, the colors are certainly Buckeyes....not boo Dover!!
Get that shopping done....and hurry home!! Can't wait to see you! Love, Auntie E

Ted and Nancy said...

Wish were there with you too! Keep the pictures coming. They couldn't be any cuter. We are very excited to see you.
Nancy and Lili

Unknown said...

Hey Bob and Lisa,
Congratulations on the newest addition to the Alsept family. We need to get together someday and visit.
Your cousin Ed and family

Anonymous said...

Lisa,Bob,Aleia,and Alexa,
Just wanted you to know how happy we are for you! Enyoyed your blog, it brought back many memories of China for us. Alexa is so sweet and beautiful. I'm glad Aleia is adjusting so well. Congratulations to all of you!!
Larissa and Aliyah
Beitzel(from the group)